Taught by instructors who have graduated from recognized EP/PSD courses and operated on EP/PSD teams in the USA and worldwide, these sub-course teach skills necessary to work on a close-protection, executive protection and/or personal security detail, focusing on Advance-work, Kidnap Avoidance, Counter-Surveillance, Personal Alarms, “Soft” DT skills, Fashion & Etiquette, International & Domestic Travel Considerations, Protective Formations, Convoy & Motorcade operations, Security & Evasive Driving, Improvised Explosive Devises. These skills can be learned in several stages, sub-course by sub-course (priced as listed) or by taking a single longer comprehensive Protection Course.
Sub-Courses Include: 1. Tactical Concealed Handgun Course: This 9 hour course takes the experienced student (NOTE: This is NOT a basic NRA "Safety Course" used to apply for a CCW; in fact, a Basic Armed Police or Security Certification is a prerequisite) and applies a new skill-set for a new platform: Concealed Carry. The first 3 hours focuses on fashionable concealment for the tactical environment (from tuxedos to bikinis) for males and females, holster and handgun-selection for concealed use, and discusses the laws that are unique to concealment. The second 3 hour session focuses on the unique dynamics of drawing from a shoulder or ankle holster, a purse or briefcase, etc., and uses range-time to practice shooting skills likely to be encountered in a concealed protection detail (Restaurant Drills, Car Seats, Cover-and-Shoots, etc.). The 9 hour course is offered for $149.00. Students who have already taken the EP Sub-Course in Fashionable Concealment can waive the first 3 hours and pay $99.00 for the 6 hour course. 2. Protection Driving Courses (a) Basic Protection Driving (6 hours $174.99): This course is a prerequisite to the Advanced Driving Course (Part B), but can be waived by students providing evidence of EVOC Course completion at an accredited EVOC course. This course teaches the crucial basics of handling a vehicle under stressful conditions, such as evasions, and focuses on vehicle tolerances, physics of movement, and applies the skills to both armored and unarmored vehicles. 3 hours class-time and 3 hours on the driving track. (b) Advanced Protection Driving (6 hours $174.99): Offered only to advanced students (graduates of Knight School's Basic Driving Course or an accredited EVOC), this course teaches vehicular evasion techniques such as Barricade-Ramming, PIT as an Evasion Tool, hasty Y, J and U-Turns, and Accelerated Reverse-Outs, as well as other useful tactical techniques, such as Dead Driver Drills. (c) PSD Motorcade Operations (6 hours $174.99) : The final sub-course in our Driving Course applies the skills already learned to a Protection Motorcade, focusing on Blocks, Check-Point Drills, Basic Motorcade Movement, and Arrivals and Departures, as well as Emergency Cross-Loads and Escapes from a Disabled Vehicle. 3. Counter-Explosives (3 hours $99.00): This course teaches the Protector the basic mechanics and components of Improvised Explosive Devises, as well as IED Detection and Recognition for a variety of IED types and targets (Under Vehicle, Belt, Packages, etc.) using actual inert IED components. 4. "Soft DT for Protectors (6 hours $149.99): Recognizing that the Protector's goal (disengage and escape) is different from that of a street-enforcement officer (control and arrest), and that the environment may be equally as different (black-tie affair rather than a dark alley), this course refines the martial arts skills necessary to protect a Principal effectively and with subtlety. 5. Technology for the Protection Detail (3 hours $99.00): Introduces mobile, re-usable alarm systems (motion sensors, magnetic alarms, sound-alarms) useful for securing the Principal's hotel room or office, CCTV cameras, GPS navigation for route-planning and execution, and metal detectors. 6. International & Domestic Travel Consideration: (3 hours $99.00): The student learns how to safely advance foreign destinations and navigate the Principal on his/her journey through airports, train stations, taxi stands and more in both the US and abroad (focusing on Central America and the Middle East). 7. Fashion/Attire & Ettiquette for the EP Specialist (3 hrs $99.00): The EP specialist must blend in a variety of environments, from formal dinners to yacht parties, from theaters in New York to open markets in Kurdistan, requiring the important soft skill of fashion awareness and ettiquette fluency through several cultures (focusing on Europe, Central America and the Middle East). 8. Advance Work (3 hours $99.00): The "meat" of any protection detail, this course covers the important aspects of how to Advance a Venue, Route Planning, Contingency Operations/Planning and Intelligence Gathering. 9. Counter-surveillance & Kidnap Avoidance (and Escape) (3 hrs $99.00): Describes methods of avoiding surveillance and detecting surveillance (the necessary precursor to any kidnapping attempt) and techniques to avoid capture, and escape and evasion basics. Course also teaches tactful ways to impart this knowledge on the Principal and his/her family. |
100 Total Hours
or... Sign up for any one or more of the PSD/EP sub-courses and pay per sub-course! $249.00 $174.99 $174.99 $174.99 $99.00 $149.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 |